The Lundy ferry, the Oldenburg left with its first passengers of the season for Lundy this morning – sailings from Bideford this week. 01271 863636
S & P fish shop on Ilfracombe Quay plans to open for the season (see our fish page).
Geoff Huelin will set off early in Our Jenny to shoot his first lobster pots of the season (see our fish page).
The Trevose box: a huge fishing area, off the North Cornish Coast, has been closed to fishing for several months – the closure supported by local fishermen to help protect spawning grounds. It opens up today. Trawlers from all over the South West and Europe will converge on this area to try and reap the rewards..
The season for pleasure boat licenses granted by North Devon Council opens up. Check with individual operators to see when they’re opening. The Ilfracombe Princess sails for the first time from Ilfracombe on Thursday 3rd April weather permitting 01271 879727 (story on this boat trip coming later this week).